Active lectures: Using reflective activities to enhance engagement and learning




This paper explores the use of active and reflective learning within UG and PGT modules, focusing on benefits gained using reflective activities within a traditional lecture-seminar format; a constraint many HE practitioners still have to work within.   The place, and value, of instructor-led lectures in HE has been debated for many years now, and since Covid many have seen a fall in attendance rates and lack of engagement with these both in person and as resources supplied for hybrid, distance, or asynchronous learning, which seems to undermine their value further.  I suggest here that large-class lectures can still be a valuable tool for effective learning and engagement when combined with an open and reflective approach, rather than being seen as a method for content transmission.


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Ryle G., (2009) ‘Teaching and Training’, ‘Thinking and Reflecting’, Collected Papers Vol 2.  Collected Essays 1929-1968, Tanney J (ed), Routledge

Ryle G., Thinking and Self-Teaching, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Vol5, Issue 2, 1971, pgs 216-228


